Guacamole guacamole!

May 29, 2010 § 8 Comments

Today has been a lazy day yet a very tiring one! I jumpstarted my morning with a 4.5 mile run with my boyfriend at the crack o’ dawn. Lol not really, it was 8am. It was heating up as I was heading back to my apartment complex at around 9am, and got up to 80 degrees today! Nice, sunny So-Cal weather πŸ™‚

After we got home and both showered, I made him some French toast while I used up the last of my La Tortilla wrap to make this peanut butter banana quesadilla, which was just another variation of my SB&B Quesadilla the other morning. I smeared half of the tortilla wrap with PB2, and then layered mooshed bananas on top. I heated the whole thing on a skillet until it was nice and crispy. Deliciousssss! I love it when after a good workout, you find just the right food to fuel you!

I also had half a cup of Chobani plain greek yogurt sprinkled with cinnamon and drizzled with Walden Farm’s Blueberry syrup, completed with a few strawberries. Doesn’t the Chobani yogurt look like cream? There was a special sale for 99 cents per small container of Chobani yogurt at Vons, and I literally grabbed like 7 of ’em! I love Chobani, but it’s expensive, so I really took the opportunity that time πŸ˜‰

After some mosey-ing around the apartment and doing some laundry, we headed out to TJ’s and then Sprout’s to restock the fridge. We spent $100 + for groceries next week! Because I tell ya, that boy can sure eat!

It was really hot today, so for lunch all I wanted was a green monster smoothie, so I made one, with the new package of frozen spinach that I just bought this time! On the side I had a slice of toast smeared with some sunbutter, topped with more Chobani, and lastly drizzled with April’s protein brownie batter.

Oops, I guess I might have taken a BIG bite before I remembered to take a picture! It looks like a volcano erupting with the coconut shreds on top, and the chocolate drizzle is the lava. Hehe!

Ohh and guess what I got today?! My new yoga mate from Easyoga!

Got the purple Eco-care mat, and boy is it squishy! I’ve rubbed my hands over the surface and did a few down dogs on it already, and I can tell that it is very resilient! I actually didn’t expect it to come this fast, as I only ordered it earlier this week and it was shipped all the way from Taiwan! I bought this because one of my yoga teachers in Taiwan recommended it to me πŸ˜€ I can’t wait to try it out tomorrow morning!

So, we pretty much bummed in the house the entire afternoon. We finally stepped out of the house at around 5:30pm since we were both getting bored and restless. We went to school to check out some board games, and got Scrabble andΒ  a Simpson’s 1000 piece puzzle. The puzzle looks like this, but with the whole Simpson’s shebang replaced:

I’ve never really played Scrabble before, but have seen other people play. I guess it’s time to learn! I’m also horrible at puzzles, but I guess I have the whole summer to work up my skills!

I was actually hungry when we got back, and I already had dinner planned. Earlier in the day, I made some guacamole.

The guac consisted of 4 cloves garlic, half an onion, 2 ripe avocados, about 6 cherry tomatoes cut into small chunks (didn’t have regular tomatoes), a squeeze of lemon, and S&P. Hmm..I think I might’ve added too much onion, and not enough avocado. I had lots of fun spooning out and eating the leftover “meats” on the inside of the avocado skin! πŸ˜€

I then I made this:

1 can of black beans plus 1/2 cup (?) of TJ’s Fire-roasted Tomato salsa. Mmm-mm!

And the finished product was Chipotle-inspired.

Hers & His.

From bottom to top: chopped romaine lettuce, brown rice, black beans + salsa mixture, guac, and more salsa. It was good, but I think I still yet have to perfect the guacamole. It wasn’t as creamy as I would have liked it to be. Any suggestions?

After dinner, I got RIGHT to work to these delicious vegan cookies:

Dreena’s Supercharge Me Cookies! I used whole wheat flour instead of spelt flour, and used craisins and peanut butter. These were amazingly good! It’s not at all oily and heavy like your regular choc chip cookies, but light yet filling! It was like eating an uber delicious granola bar or something!

Packaged and ready to give to my cousins when I go visit them tomorrow. πŸ™‚

I also made Brandi’s Nutella Marbled Banana Bread.

Holy moley these were soooo moist! See how gooey the nutella came out to be? I wolfed down two slices of these immediately when they were cooled enough. I also had 1.5 of those cookies and downed them with some milk. Nothing beats chocolate chip cookies with some milk for bedtime dessert! πŸ˜‰

Tomorrow’s plan:

Can’t wait!


+ Have you made guacamole before? Any tips to share?

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